Mark III Camera: George DeLaWarr
From my web site I wrote a blog on the De La Warr camera and its significant as an early wishing machine that worked; so this is a "blog-within-a-blog." First an excerpt from the journal: Mind and Matter followed with the patent design.
The Story:
Early in 1954 an important experiment was carried out with the assistance of a nuclear physicist that should be recorded in this series of articles as it opens up a constructive line of thought. The story begins in 1953 when I approached Lord Glyn, a Member of Parliament of long standing, and asked him for help in obtaining a hearing with Sir John Cockcroft, one of Britain's leading atomic physicists. We had taken some thousands of radionic photographs with our Mark I camera and among them was a number of fairly good examples on which we wanted expert opinion. Those of the atomic lines (reproduced in Mind and Matter, December 1957) were especially interesting and we hoped they would find some concordance with current knowledge in atomic physics.
Lord Glyn approached Sir John Cockcroft who arranged for a chemist from the Atomic Energy research Establishment at Harwell to meet ,me. In due course Dr. A. Charlesby arrived and we showed him something of the work we were doing, finally demonstrating the Camera. Imagine our surprise when after developing our first first photographic plate we found nothing on it. The image apparently would not appear when Dr. Chalesby was in the room and we therefore had to ask him to wait outside while the photograph was being taken, are guess that probably confirmed any suspicions he may have had. It is a simple matter of fact that we did not know then of the negative power of critical thought. We tried various methods of isolating Dr. Charlesby and finally cut a peephole in the door of the Camera Room, so that he could observe our activities from outside. This was reasonably successful and investigation the proceeded quite amicably.
The radiating lines in our photographs of atoms and molecules from a central well-defined point puzzled us. An example of this "central point feature" is seen in Fig. 2 of Oxford tap water which would appear to show radiation from the constituent atoms. I had a theory that these lines of energy were released in space from a tiny vortex at this central point according to the type of atom.
... I believe it is possible to materialize atoms. I expressed the opinion that even an atom could undergo a experience and that an atom of oxygen existing in a copper sulfate crystal was receiving a difference experience from an oxygen atom in a silver nitrate crystal. Dr. Charlesby was interested in this possibility and suggested that we might try giving atoms an experience and photographing them before and after the event.
The Polythene Experiment
Dr. Charlesby had invented a process at Harwell whereby soft polythene could be toughened to a more useful product by putting it in the atomic pile. He suggested that we should therefore photograph a sample of soft polythene before and after it had this experience. Fig. 3 was therefore taken on our Mark I Camera showing the carbon and hydrogen lines of the polythene sample. We then had to determine which was the hydrogen line and so the photograph in Fig. 4 was taken on the tuning for hydrogen. The polythene was then taken to Harwell, subjected to intense atomic radiation and rephotographed as in Fig. 5. If you will notice that the carbon line remained unaffected, whereas the hydrogen line had moved. This was most exciting and although it did not necessarily prove that my theory was ,correct, it hadopen4df up a line of investigation.
An interesting feature of this experiment was the appearance of the two little lines at the center of the photo. We resolved to find out what they were and after various attempts we decided that they were connected with heavy hydrogen, deuterium. This was confirmed by a separate pot showing only the two little lines. The opposite directions of each line tend to confirm the presence of deuterium as its atomic arrangement consists of two atoms of hydrogen coupled together but pulling in opposite directions and the two opposing lines would certainly suggest this.
When Dr Charlesby was again able to visit the Laboratories further tests were given, but as these were probably based on an entirely erroneous concept of the phenomenon we were frequently "caught out" with images on ten wrong plates. This was our swan sing and once again we were working alone, suspect as usual; but we had progresses considerably. We had learned that negative thought could affect the image; that the ability to obtain such images was in fact due to a personal ability of my assistant in conjunction with the camera; that atomic bombardments altered the image we obtained, and finally that we could expect no more assistance from Harwell.
I met Dr Charlesby again when I was addressing a society at Cambridge University. He was in the audience and very kindly stated that after having given the matter very considerable thought he could not formulate a scientific test of any kid in view of the nature of the phenomenon. He also said he was at least least convinced of my integrity, and that was naturally a welcome statement.
Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (Dec 1959)` In Retrospect (Part 6)' George DeLaWarr
It is difficult for me to realize that ten years ago my wife, I and our Chief assistant were just entering the photographic side of this work. An accumulation of unexplained phenomena had softened up over the previous nine years and confirmed our ignorance of what lies behind radionics. We has successfully completed the tests on our "colorscope treatment" apparatus and demonstrated the therapeutic value of specific colors. This drew attenuation to the possibility of detecting disease conditions by the user of light.
We had failed to get any response from the supposed radiations of a blood specimen in the electronic sense and we therefore proceeded to try the photonic sense. If only we could get a start with a physical demonstration of some kind we felt that allowed us to be well and that the medical profession would soon see the implications for humanity.
A Photographic Emulsion As a Detector
We accordingly bought some x-ray plates from a local photographer and we set to work. from the very first plate we started getting strange patterns and particle tracks, and these not being what we expected I discounted them somewhat; but fortunately they are all still intact in our extensive filing system. In March 1959, w startled ourselves by placing a specimen of blodd (on filter paper) in contact with the emulsion of a photographic plate for a half minute and obtaining an exposure on the pate, identical a pattern but slightly larger than the area of the blood spot.
Our own experiment described above was repeated successfully 12 times in succession with very little difference in the images obtained and the rotational position of the specimen made no difference. seven years later we attempted to repeat the experiment, using the Oxford Ordinary Plates that we have since accepted as standard in the mark I Camera technique, but we failed. this has worried us considerably but we are now inclined to believe that there is a specific response according to the type of emulsion used. The Chancellor process tends to substantiate this.
Specific response of a blood specimen to radionic tuning was described in our September 1958 issue; it was then shown that the specimen of a person with tuberculosis would respond to the radionic tuning for tuberculosis but not, for instance, to the tuning of diabetes. This is not, however, necessarily the type of specific response I am referring top in connection with the emulsion. In the experiment seen in Fig. 27 no radionic tuning was used anyway and I have been reviewing our earlier experiments accordingly.
The most significant information already unearthed in this connection relates to the precise moment when we ran out of x-ray half plates and changed to another type of emulsion. It will be recalled that in the earlier experiments before lenses were added to the camera (Fig. 28) the image of copper sulfate crystals that we used on the apparatus below is beginning to come into focus.
It was at this moment that we realized we had no more x-ray half plates to spare as they could only be obtained by having them specially made we suspended the experiment and reused work on the blood specimens. We did return to the copper sulfate experiments, however, some time later but we had to use Oxford ordinary quarter plates. The first images we obtained was that reproduced in Fig. 31. This so delighted us that we went on to take many more thrilling variations but completely overlooking the possible significance of the differences in the two emulsions used.
It there is indeed specific response by an emulsion to the radionic principle we have taken a big step in understanding the 12,000 photos we have taken on Oxford Ordinary Plates. The next thing is to find out more about this principle and whether it isd the operator's presences, his thought, the radionic apparatus or a combination of all three that induces the specific response in the e4mulsion. A review o the evidence we have accumulated is long overdue and this series of articles is serving a useful purpose in revealing much that hs been overlooked.
The Elusive Image
When discussing the constructional details of a new Mark I Camera for Mr Chancellor in orde5r that he may continue his research in Mexico I recalled our earlier difficulties in the design of the camera head.The Mark I camera head is the light tight box approximately 11' X 9" X 8" containing the reflector, lenses and photographic plate holder. It is the box seen in Fig.32 on the four supports. In 1956 Mr A. Broad of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge agreed to have a two=beam Mark I camera at his home so that he could do some research on the processes involved. The two-beam camera seemed to work as well as the three=beam and it was therefore agreed that an improved design should followed.
In 1955 wen Dr Charlesby came rom the Harwell Atomic Research Organization to test the Camera we found that each component part should have a a critical position to suit the operator's individual field. This was our first intimation that the physical presence presence of the operator was essential in order to obtain a photo. After nearly three month's work we made an improved type of Camera with all the components adjustable. It was rather an expensive undertaking and we had to increase the size of the camera head to receive the required variation in the different people we tried. Twelve people in all were tried, including Mr Broad and our staff doctor.
It so happened that when the enlarged camera head was adjusted to suit Mr Broad it was so low that the blood specimen sat on top of the lower box could jot be rotated by hand and so the two bottom corners of the camera head were layered back to allow room for the hand. Altogether it looked it looked a very attractive piece of apparatus in Mohogany and chromium as it was taken off top Cambridge by my assistant. On arrival it was placed in the correct magnetic N-S position and tested out but no image could be obtain4d. Fortunately our own original Camera had been taken along in case the difference in latitude between Oxford and Cambridge made any difference to the results. We were relieved to find that our own Camera still worked but Mr Broad simply would not function and we had to bring it back to Oxford.
It was all very disturbing.We then tried to find the trouble by a process of elimination and discovered that it was in the design of the camera head. As soon as we replaced the two corners we had slayed off and restored the rectangular shape the elusive image returned. The Camera was then taken to Cambridge again and order was restored. Mr Broad and my assistant were able to proceed with their research and produced very good photos under test conditions.
I well remember how anxious we all were to get the phenomenon demonstrated to the University pundits and so we decided to invite Prof. Stratton who held the Chair of Para-Psychology and who was a very pleasant person. We met for lunch and then drove to Mr Broad's house. a test image had been taken before lunch, so we knew the Camera would work. The new packet of sealed plates was produced and one plate was placed in the Camera. this was our big moment when a perfect image would start a chain reaction among the universities. The dripping plate was produced, but it was completely black and there was no image. Each subsequent plate was black; altogether it was a black day. Prof. Stratton then explained that he had never been privileged to witness any psychic phenomena because the moment he appeared on the scene all phenomena ceased. we were all desolated, the Professor departed and the Universities were left in peace. I may add that the Camera showed signs of indisposition for several days afterwards.
These are interesting sidelights and show how little we understood the phenomenon. The negative power of the "30 percent", that is to say, those who can not work the Diagnostic Instruments, or get plants to increase their growth for them, or who cannot heal the sick by radionics, is a very real stumbling block to the fulfillment of our purpose.
Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (Date Unknown)
Project # 2: Resume Work on the DeLaWarr Camera
The discovery made at the Laboratories in 1950 that extra-dimensional photos could be obtained may well prove to be the greatest achievement of the century, ranking in importance with the achievements of space travel.
The use of thought energy to probe the various parts of the human force field and "bring back" information on a photographic emulsion is a most significant event. Coupled with this is the closely allied phenomenon of Thought Photography, or implanting thought forms (similar for the PyramiTroniX Resonator) on a photographic emulsion. Many cases are on record but the most thourough and spectacular are those recorded by Prof. Fukurai about 1910. Fig. 2 show sone of a series of thought photographs arranged by him using the special ability of a Mr. Konichi Mita to produce them. Prof. Fukurai organied a series of tests on either photographic papers or plates after they had been placed in a suitably sealed casket. The characters to be impressed on the emulsion were chosen by a clairvoyant who was allowed to work at a distance from the casket but at no time to touch it or the contents. Te authenticity of each experiment was attested y a full scrutinizing Committee of prominent people.
Dr Jule Eisenbud of Denver, Colorado, has recently published a book called "The World of Ted Serios". Mr Seroios can produce thought images on a photographic emulsion but not with certainty. after two years of well-controlled experiments, over 20 doctors of science, medicine, physics, and psychology attested to the validity of the experiments in which they took part. The score of successful shots was approximately 20 percent.
In 1950, at the DeLawarr laboratories, with the aid of Mr L.Corte, a series of photographs was taken, using apparatus containing a magnet and lenss to ensure repeatability. The images obtained were of an exaar-dimensional character and over 10,000 exposures were taken during 9 years work. The score of successful shots was 90 percent and Fig. 3 is an example of a thought photograph produced on the DeLaWarr Camera.
A technique of using a state of magnetic rapport between a distant person and the camera operator was developed. Such an advanced technique is unknown to science but may well be understood in the field of ESP. Fig. 4 shows the effect of tuning the apparatus in to a distant person for ulceration of the Duodenum. It transpired that the person had recently had an operation on the duodenum and the stitches had become septic.
Hundreds of similar exposures have been taken over the past 17 years and maybe inspected at the laboratories. All work on the camera was slowed down in 1960 for financial reasons and it is important that work should be resumed while Mr Corte is still able to produce the phenomenon and also in order to find other potential operators. it may also be possible to provide a service for probing disease in humans, animals, and plants from an entirely new aspect.
Construction of the Circuit
This invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images of healthy and diseased parts of the human body, animals, birds, insects, trees, bushes, flowers, plants, seeds, psychic phenomena, and other inanimate objects.
The camera can be housed in its entirety in a case measuring 33 cm X 49 cm X 14 cm, making it a completely portable unit. According to the present invention, three camera functions through the medium of harnessing the energy rays emitted from a donor Body, from which the sample has been taken, and subjecting the electrical circuit of this invention to this emitted energy from the donor Body, which is then led through a tuning device consisting of multi-variable potentiometers or impedance rheostats, to the conducting plates, between which the film or photographic paper has been placed.
A specific embodiement of the invention will ow be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawing in which Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic plan of the complete circuit together with the conductor plates.
The requirements necessary to implement functioning of the EM radonic camera to produce photographic images are:
1. Electrical source of power. can be a battery or mains electricity
2. ON/Off switch of the simple make and break type.
3. Timer
4. Amplifier
5. infrared sensor
6. Potentiometers. these can be of the multi-selective type with single specific values counting from 0 to 10. where more than one of this type of potentiometers is used, they must be wired or connected in series.
7. Filters. These can consist of coils of insulated wired. Solenoids wound on both iron and air cores in series
8. Positive conductor plate. can be made of copper, silver, or any suitable conducting material.
9. Negative conducting plate. material as 8
The camera functions through the medium of harness the energy rays emitted by the donor Body via a sample fro the donor Body. this sample can be of a blood spot, hair, sputum, handwriting, or any part of the donor Body. in practice, a sample from the donor Body is placed close to the surface of the IR sensor (5) so that the energy rays or radiations will impinge upon the cathode of the IR sensor (5) resulting in negative electrons being emitted from the cathode. This in turn places a negative potential on the anode circuit, resulting in an increased resistance being placed across the IR sensor resulting in a minute change of current in the anode circuit.
Due to this change in current, there will be a voltage drop across the circuit. this voltage drop is led through the potentiometers (6) which are used as the selection or tuning device. The tuning is effected by setting the energy pattern of the area to be photographed numerically on the potentiometers (6).
The change in dia-electric stress of the condenser-like arrangement of conductor plates (8) and (9) caused by the change of potential applied to the conductor plates (8) and (9) produces corresponding changes in the EM field which is contained in the emulsion face of the photographic paper or film. this field is in the nature of an EM field with appropriate lines of force, depending upon the particular setting, set numerically on the potentiometers or tuning device (6).
As the tuned EM force which produces the field is varied or regulated by the energy derived from the nervous system or organism of the donor Body being photographed, the EM field is varied accordingly.
The tuning device can be comprised of any suitable number of potentiometers (6) connected in series to afford a wide range of selection. Te potentiometers are capable of tuning on a scale of 0 to 10.
In order to take a photograph, you have to dial in the energy pattern of the area to be photographed on the potentiometers (6). For example, if we wished to photograph "cancer of the Spine" that donor Body is suffering, we would dial in number 5 on the first potentiometer, 0 on the second, 2 on the third, 4 on the fourth, 2 on the fifth, 7 on the sixth, and 9 on the seventh potentiometers. This is the energy pattern of cancer of the spine expressed numerically as 5024579.
The camera is now set to photograph cancer of the Spine. using the sample from our donor body to act as a catalyst e trigger the action needed to effect thee photograph. I fact what happens is that the donor Body is in tune with the sample taken from it, and that energy is passing between the donor Body and the sample in a continuous stream. When the sample is presented to the IR sensor (5), energy generated by the donor Body flows through the sample in sufficient strength to effect negative electrons being emitted from the cathode of the IR sensor (5). This in turn places a negative potential on the anode of ten IR sensor (5) resulting in an increase in resistance being placed across the IR sensor
The required photographic paper or film and the donor Body sample required in order to take a photographic image, are not shown in Diagram 1.
The positive side of the circuit is wired from the positive terminal of the power source (1) in Diagram 1 to the on/off switch (2) to the timer (3) to the amplifier (4) to the infrared sensor (5) to the potentiometers (6) to the postie conductor plates (8).
The negative side of the circuit is wired from the negative terminal of the power source (1) to the amplifier (4) to the filters (7) to the negative conductor plate (9)
Infrared Sensor
The IR sensor acts as a shutter of the camera and is affected by/through the introduction of the donor Body sample to the proximity of the IR sensor, that is to say, that the sensor is used to isolate a selected area to be photographed, and in so doing, produces changes in the electrical circuit. These changes of force are utilized to excite, producing an electromagnetic field, which is lead through the potentiometers, resulting in distortion or change of the lines of force that spread across the emulsion face of the film or photographic paper, producing a photographic image that can be chemically developed.
The Amplifier
The amplifier is required to amplify the energy introduced into the circuit via the sample from the donor Body.
The Potentiometers
the potentiometers are connected in series so as to produce a condenser action. They are multi adjustable, each one being able to be st from 0-10. They di in fact act as a tuning device. The potentiometers are positioned between the power source (1) and the positive conductor plate (8).
Negative and Positive Conductor Plates
The negative conductor plate (9) and the positive conductor plate (8) act as a photographic device, in effect as fixed condensers. they can be spaced between 8 mm and 25 mm apart, between which the film or photographic paper is placed.
The invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images as previously described. the action consists in subject a photographic plate, film, or photographic paper to an electromotive force so as to produce an EM field which provides a means susceptible to the energy rays or electrons of the atoms of the object or area to be photographed.
To produce a change in voltage drop across an electrical circuit to correspondingly influence the aforementioned EM field, via a sample from the donor Body, this ample can be blood, hair sputum, handwriting, etc. or any part of the subject or subject matter to be photographed. When the sample from the donor Body to the sample produces sufficient energy to effect a change in the circuit by way of a minute voltage drop, this in turn is led through the tuning potentiometers and influences the said EM field by reason of the applied direction of polarity of the source of the potential
From my web site I wrote a blog on the De La Warr camera and its significant as an early wishing machine that worked; so this is a "blog-within-a-blog." First an excerpt from the journal: Mind and Matter followed with the patent design.
The Story:
Early in 1954 an important experiment was carried out with the assistance of a nuclear physicist that should be recorded in this series of articles as it opens up a constructive line of thought. The story begins in 1953 when I approached Lord Glyn, a Member of Parliament of long standing, and asked him for help in obtaining a hearing with Sir John Cockcroft, one of Britain's leading atomic physicists. We had taken some thousands of radionic photographs with our Mark I camera and among them was a number of fairly good examples on which we wanted expert opinion. Those of the atomic lines (reproduced in Mind and Matter, December 1957) were especially interesting and we hoped they would find some concordance with current knowledge in atomic physics.
Lord Glyn approached Sir John Cockcroft who arranged for a chemist from the Atomic Energy research Establishment at Harwell to meet ,me. In due course Dr. A. Charlesby arrived and we showed him something of the work we were doing, finally demonstrating the Camera. Imagine our surprise when after developing our first first photographic plate we found nothing on it. The image apparently would not appear when Dr. Chalesby was in the room and we therefore had to ask him to wait outside while the photograph was being taken, are guess that probably confirmed any suspicions he may have had. It is a simple matter of fact that we did not know then of the negative power of critical thought. We tried various methods of isolating Dr. Charlesby and finally cut a peephole in the door of the Camera Room, so that he could observe our activities from outside. This was reasonably successful and investigation the proceeded quite amicably.
The radiating lines in our photographs of atoms and molecules from a central well-defined point puzzled us. An example of this "central point feature" is seen in Fig. 2 of Oxford tap water which would appear to show radiation from the constituent atoms. I had a theory that these lines of energy were released in space from a tiny vortex at this central point according to the type of atom.
... I believe it is possible to materialize atoms. I expressed the opinion that even an atom could undergo a experience and that an atom of oxygen existing in a copper sulfate crystal was receiving a difference experience from an oxygen atom in a silver nitrate crystal. Dr. Charlesby was interested in this possibility and suggested that we might try giving atoms an experience and photographing them before and after the event.
The Polythene Experiment
Dr. Charlesby had invented a process at Harwell whereby soft polythene could be toughened to a more useful product by putting it in the atomic pile. He suggested that we should therefore photograph a sample of soft polythene before and after it had this experience. Fig. 3 was therefore taken on our Mark I Camera showing the carbon and hydrogen lines of the polythene sample. We then had to determine which was the hydrogen line and so the photograph in Fig. 4 was taken on the tuning for hydrogen. The polythene was then taken to Harwell, subjected to intense atomic radiation and rephotographed as in Fig. 5. If you will notice that the carbon line remained unaffected, whereas the hydrogen line had moved. This was most exciting and although it did not necessarily prove that my theory was ,correct, it hadopen4df up a line of investigation.
An interesting feature of this experiment was the appearance of the two little lines at the center of the photo. We resolved to find out what they were and after various attempts we decided that they were connected with heavy hydrogen, deuterium. This was confirmed by a separate pot showing only the two little lines. The opposite directions of each line tend to confirm the presence of deuterium as its atomic arrangement consists of two atoms of hydrogen coupled together but pulling in opposite directions and the two opposing lines would certainly suggest this.
Charlesby made another suggestion when we wwere dicussing the nature of
the lines of the image. He thought that we should use two photographic
plates with their emulsion faces together. We did this and were
successful in obtaining an image on each -late, one being the mirror
image of the other (Fig. 6). This was most interesting as it suggested
that actual particles had appeared between the plates and diverged away
from each other in the same plane also around the central point at which
"fondly hoped there was materialization taking place...there was a ring. We often obtain this effect at the central point, but no satisfactory explanation has occurred to us yet, unless, there is a process of polarization taking place..."
Back to Normal"fondly hoped there was materialization taking place...there was a ring. We often obtain this effect at the central point, but no satisfactory explanation has occurred to us yet, unless, there is a process of polarization taking place..."
When Dr Charlesby was again able to visit the Laboratories further tests were given, but as these were probably based on an entirely erroneous concept of the phenomenon we were frequently "caught out" with images on ten wrong plates. This was our swan sing and once again we were working alone, suspect as usual; but we had progresses considerably. We had learned that negative thought could affect the image; that the ability to obtain such images was in fact due to a personal ability of my assistant in conjunction with the camera; that atomic bombardments altered the image we obtained, and finally that we could expect no more assistance from Harwell.
I met Dr Charlesby again when I was addressing a society at Cambridge University. He was in the audience and very kindly stated that after having given the matter very considerable thought he could not formulate a scientific test of any kid in view of the nature of the phenomenon. He also said he was at least least convinced of my integrity, and that was naturally a welcome statement.
Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (Dec 1959)` In Retrospect (Part 6)' George DeLaWarr
It is difficult for me to realize that ten years ago my wife, I and our Chief assistant were just entering the photographic side of this work. An accumulation of unexplained phenomena had softened up over the previous nine years and confirmed our ignorance of what lies behind radionics. We has successfully completed the tests on our "colorscope treatment" apparatus and demonstrated the therapeutic value of specific colors. This drew attenuation to the possibility of detecting disease conditions by the user of light.
We had failed to get any response from the supposed radiations of a blood specimen in the electronic sense and we therefore proceeded to try the photonic sense. If only we could get a start with a physical demonstration of some kind we felt that allowed us to be well and that the medical profession would soon see the implications for humanity.
A Photographic Emulsion As a Detector
We accordingly bought some x-ray plates from a local photographer and we set to work. from the very first plate we started getting strange patterns and particle tracks, and these not being what we expected I discounted them somewhat; but fortunately they are all still intact in our extensive filing system. In March 1959, w startled ourselves by placing a specimen of blodd (on filter paper) in contact with the emulsion of a photographic plate for a half minute and obtaining an exposure on the pate, identical a pattern but slightly larger than the area of the blood spot.
Our own experiment described above was repeated successfully 12 times in succession with very little difference in the images obtained and the rotational position of the specimen made no difference. seven years later we attempted to repeat the experiment, using the Oxford Ordinary Plates that we have since accepted as standard in the mark I Camera technique, but we failed. this has worried us considerably but we are now inclined to believe that there is a specific response according to the type of emulsion used. The Chancellor process tends to substantiate this.
Specific response of a blood specimen to radionic tuning was described in our September 1958 issue; it was then shown that the specimen of a person with tuberculosis would respond to the radionic tuning for tuberculosis but not, for instance, to the tuning of diabetes. This is not, however, necessarily the type of specific response I am referring top in connection with the emulsion. In the experiment seen in Fig. 27 no radionic tuning was used anyway and I have been reviewing our earlier experiments accordingly.
The most significant information already unearthed in this connection relates to the precise moment when we ran out of x-ray half plates and changed to another type of emulsion. It will be recalled that in the earlier experiments before lenses were added to the camera (Fig. 28) the image of copper sulfate crystals that we used on the apparatus below is beginning to come into focus.
It was at this moment that we realized we had no more x-ray half plates to spare as they could only be obtained by having them specially made we suspended the experiment and reused work on the blood specimens. We did return to the copper sulfate experiments, however, some time later but we had to use Oxford ordinary quarter plates. The first images we obtained was that reproduced in Fig. 31. This so delighted us that we went on to take many more thrilling variations but completely overlooking the possible significance of the differences in the two emulsions used.
It there is indeed specific response by an emulsion to the radionic principle we have taken a big step in understanding the 12,000 photos we have taken on Oxford Ordinary Plates. The next thing is to find out more about this principle and whether it isd the operator's presences, his thought, the radionic apparatus or a combination of all three that induces the specific response in the e4mulsion. A review o the evidence we have accumulated is long overdue and this series of articles is serving a useful purpose in revealing much that hs been overlooked.
The Elusive Image
When discussing the constructional details of a new Mark I Camera for Mr Chancellor in orde5r that he may continue his research in Mexico I recalled our earlier difficulties in the design of the camera head.The Mark I camera head is the light tight box approximately 11' X 9" X 8" containing the reflector, lenses and photographic plate holder. It is the box seen in Fig.32 on the four supports. In 1956 Mr A. Broad of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge agreed to have a two=beam Mark I camera at his home so that he could do some research on the processes involved. The two-beam camera seemed to work as well as the three=beam and it was therefore agreed that an improved design should followed.
In 1955 wen Dr Charlesby came rom the Harwell Atomic Research Organization to test the Camera we found that each component part should have a a critical position to suit the operator's individual field. This was our first intimation that the physical presence presence of the operator was essential in order to obtain a photo. After nearly three month's work we made an improved type of Camera with all the components adjustable. It was rather an expensive undertaking and we had to increase the size of the camera head to receive the required variation in the different people we tried. Twelve people in all were tried, including Mr Broad and our staff doctor.
It so happened that when the enlarged camera head was adjusted to suit Mr Broad it was so low that the blood specimen sat on top of the lower box could jot be rotated by hand and so the two bottom corners of the camera head were layered back to allow room for the hand. Altogether it looked it looked a very attractive piece of apparatus in Mohogany and chromium as it was taken off top Cambridge by my assistant. On arrival it was placed in the correct magnetic N-S position and tested out but no image could be obtain4d. Fortunately our own original Camera had been taken along in case the difference in latitude between Oxford and Cambridge made any difference to the results. We were relieved to find that our own Camera still worked but Mr Broad simply would not function and we had to bring it back to Oxford.
It was all very disturbing.We then tried to find the trouble by a process of elimination and discovered that it was in the design of the camera head. As soon as we replaced the two corners we had slayed off and restored the rectangular shape the elusive image returned. The Camera was then taken to Cambridge again and order was restored. Mr Broad and my assistant were able to proceed with their research and produced very good photos under test conditions.
I well remember how anxious we all were to get the phenomenon demonstrated to the University pundits and so we decided to invite Prof. Stratton who held the Chair of Para-Psychology and who was a very pleasant person. We met for lunch and then drove to Mr Broad's house. a test image had been taken before lunch, so we knew the Camera would work. The new packet of sealed plates was produced and one plate was placed in the Camera. this was our big moment when a perfect image would start a chain reaction among the universities. The dripping plate was produced, but it was completely black and there was no image. Each subsequent plate was black; altogether it was a black day. Prof. Stratton then explained that he had never been privileged to witness any psychic phenomena because the moment he appeared on the scene all phenomena ceased. we were all desolated, the Professor departed and the Universities were left in peace. I may add that the Camera showed signs of indisposition for several days afterwards.
These are interesting sidelights and show how little we understood the phenomenon. The negative power of the "30 percent", that is to say, those who can not work the Diagnostic Instruments, or get plants to increase their growth for them, or who cannot heal the sick by radionics, is a very real stumbling block to the fulfillment of our purpose.
Mind and Matter Quarterly Journal (Date Unknown)
Project # 2: Resume Work on the DeLaWarr Camera
The discovery made at the Laboratories in 1950 that extra-dimensional photos could be obtained may well prove to be the greatest achievement of the century, ranking in importance with the achievements of space travel.
The use of thought energy to probe the various parts of the human force field and "bring back" information on a photographic emulsion is a most significant event. Coupled with this is the closely allied phenomenon of Thought Photography, or implanting thought forms (similar for the PyramiTroniX Resonator) on a photographic emulsion. Many cases are on record but the most thourough and spectacular are those recorded by Prof. Fukurai about 1910. Fig. 2 show sone of a series of thought photographs arranged by him using the special ability of a Mr. Konichi Mita to produce them. Prof. Fukurai organied a series of tests on either photographic papers or plates after they had been placed in a suitably sealed casket. The characters to be impressed on the emulsion were chosen by a clairvoyant who was allowed to work at a distance from the casket but at no time to touch it or the contents. Te authenticity of each experiment was attested y a full scrutinizing Committee of prominent people.
Dr Jule Eisenbud of Denver, Colorado, has recently published a book called "The World of Ted Serios". Mr Seroios can produce thought images on a photographic emulsion but not with certainty. after two years of well-controlled experiments, over 20 doctors of science, medicine, physics, and psychology attested to the validity of the experiments in which they took part. The score of successful shots was approximately 20 percent.
In 1950, at the DeLawarr laboratories, with the aid of Mr L.Corte, a series of photographs was taken, using apparatus containing a magnet and lenss to ensure repeatability. The images obtained were of an exaar-dimensional character and over 10,000 exposures were taken during 9 years work. The score of successful shots was 90 percent and Fig. 3 is an example of a thought photograph produced on the DeLaWarr Camera.
A technique of using a state of magnetic rapport between a distant person and the camera operator was developed. Such an advanced technique is unknown to science but may well be understood in the field of ESP. Fig. 4 shows the effect of tuning the apparatus in to a distant person for ulceration of the Duodenum. It transpired that the person had recently had an operation on the duodenum and the stitches had become septic.
Hundreds of similar exposures have been taken over the past 17 years and maybe inspected at the laboratories. All work on the camera was slowed down in 1960 for financial reasons and it is important that work should be resumed while Mr Corte is still able to produce the phenomenon and also in order to find other potential operators. it may also be possible to provide a service for probing disease in humans, animals, and plants from an entirely new aspect.
Construction of the Circuit
This invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images of healthy and diseased parts of the human body, animals, birds, insects, trees, bushes, flowers, plants, seeds, psychic phenomena, and other inanimate objects.
The camera can be housed in its entirety in a case measuring 33 cm X 49 cm X 14 cm, making it a completely portable unit. According to the present invention, three camera functions through the medium of harnessing the energy rays emitted from a donor Body, from which the sample has been taken, and subjecting the electrical circuit of this invention to this emitted energy from the donor Body, which is then led through a tuning device consisting of multi-variable potentiometers or impedance rheostats, to the conducting plates, between which the film or photographic paper has been placed.
A specific embodiement of the invention will ow be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawing in which Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic plan of the complete circuit together with the conductor plates.
The requirements necessary to implement functioning of the EM radonic camera to produce photographic images are:
1. Electrical source of power. can be a battery or mains electricity
2. ON/Off switch of the simple make and break type.
3. Timer
4. Amplifier
5. infrared sensor
6. Potentiometers. these can be of the multi-selective type with single specific values counting from 0 to 10. where more than one of this type of potentiometers is used, they must be wired or connected in series.
7. Filters. These can consist of coils of insulated wired. Solenoids wound on both iron and air cores in series
8. Positive conductor plate. can be made of copper, silver, or any suitable conducting material.
9. Negative conducting plate. material as 8
The camera functions through the medium of harness the energy rays emitted by the donor Body via a sample fro the donor Body. this sample can be of a blood spot, hair, sputum, handwriting, or any part of the donor Body. in practice, a sample from the donor Body is placed close to the surface of the IR sensor (5) so that the energy rays or radiations will impinge upon the cathode of the IR sensor (5) resulting in negative electrons being emitted from the cathode. This in turn places a negative potential on the anode circuit, resulting in an increased resistance being placed across the IR sensor resulting in a minute change of current in the anode circuit.
Due to this change in current, there will be a voltage drop across the circuit. this voltage drop is led through the potentiometers (6) which are used as the selection or tuning device. The tuning is effected by setting the energy pattern of the area to be photographed numerically on the potentiometers (6).
The change in dia-electric stress of the condenser-like arrangement of conductor plates (8) and (9) caused by the change of potential applied to the conductor plates (8) and (9) produces corresponding changes in the EM field which is contained in the emulsion face of the photographic paper or film. this field is in the nature of an EM field with appropriate lines of force, depending upon the particular setting, set numerically on the potentiometers or tuning device (6).
As the tuned EM force which produces the field is varied or regulated by the energy derived from the nervous system or organism of the donor Body being photographed, the EM field is varied accordingly.
The tuning device can be comprised of any suitable number of potentiometers (6) connected in series to afford a wide range of selection. Te potentiometers are capable of tuning on a scale of 0 to 10.
In order to take a photograph, you have to dial in the energy pattern of the area to be photographed on the potentiometers (6). For example, if we wished to photograph "cancer of the Spine" that donor Body is suffering, we would dial in number 5 on the first potentiometer, 0 on the second, 2 on the third, 4 on the fourth, 2 on the fifth, 7 on the sixth, and 9 on the seventh potentiometers. This is the energy pattern of cancer of the spine expressed numerically as 5024579.
The camera is now set to photograph cancer of the Spine. using the sample from our donor body to act as a catalyst e trigger the action needed to effect thee photograph. I fact what happens is that the donor Body is in tune with the sample taken from it, and that energy is passing between the donor Body and the sample in a continuous stream. When the sample is presented to the IR sensor (5), energy generated by the donor Body flows through the sample in sufficient strength to effect negative electrons being emitted from the cathode of the IR sensor (5). This in turn places a negative potential on the anode of ten IR sensor (5) resulting in an increase in resistance being placed across the IR sensor
The required photographic paper or film and the donor Body sample required in order to take a photographic image, are not shown in Diagram 1.
The positive side of the circuit is wired from the positive terminal of the power source (1) in Diagram 1 to the on/off switch (2) to the timer (3) to the amplifier (4) to the infrared sensor (5) to the potentiometers (6) to the postie conductor plates (8).
The negative side of the circuit is wired from the negative terminal of the power source (1) to the amplifier (4) to the filters (7) to the negative conductor plate (9)
Infrared Sensor
The IR sensor acts as a shutter of the camera and is affected by/through the introduction of the donor Body sample to the proximity of the IR sensor, that is to say, that the sensor is used to isolate a selected area to be photographed, and in so doing, produces changes in the electrical circuit. These changes of force are utilized to excite, producing an electromagnetic field, which is lead through the potentiometers, resulting in distortion or change of the lines of force that spread across the emulsion face of the film or photographic paper, producing a photographic image that can be chemically developed.
The Amplifier
The amplifier is required to amplify the energy introduced into the circuit via the sample from the donor Body.
The Potentiometers
the potentiometers are connected in series so as to produce a condenser action. They are multi adjustable, each one being able to be st from 0-10. They di in fact act as a tuning device. The potentiometers are positioned between the power source (1) and the positive conductor plate (8).
Negative and Positive Conductor Plates
The negative conductor plate (9) and the positive conductor plate (8) act as a photographic device, in effect as fixed condensers. they can be spaced between 8 mm and 25 mm apart, between which the film or photographic paper is placed.
The invention relates to a method of obtaining photographic images as previously described. the action consists in subject a photographic plate, film, or photographic paper to an electromotive force so as to produce an EM field which provides a means susceptible to the energy rays or electrons of the atoms of the object or area to be photographed.
To produce a change in voltage drop across an electrical circuit to correspondingly influence the aforementioned EM field, via a sample from the donor Body, this ample can be blood, hair sputum, handwriting, etc. or any part of the subject or subject matter to be photographed. When the sample from the donor Body to the sample produces sufficient energy to effect a change in the circuit by way of a minute voltage drop, this in turn is led through the tuning potentiometers and influences the said EM field by reason of the applied direction of polarity of the source of the potential
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